City of Brenham,

"Due to the extreme drought in 2011, the City of Brenham decided it was time to get serious about water conservation. Our goal was to save as much potable water as possible for essential needs. With the permission from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the City of Brenham was granted a 210 Reuse Authorization. This allowed us to divert effluent water from our Wastewater Treatment Plant to be used for non-essential needs such as construction activities, toilet flush water, dust control, fracking, etc. With the help of Elemech, Inc, we realized our goal.
In the Spring of 2012, we purchased an EleMech bulk water filling station controlled by Portalogic software which allowed the City of Brenham to supply water to numerous contractors 24 hours a day 7 days a week at their convenience. This station is very user friendly for both the customer and internal staff. As with any city, we were amazed that this station was more economical than three of their competitors. By purchasing this station we are now able to set up an account, issue a customer card, track usage, and add another source of revenue to our department. The City of Brenham was amazed with the customer service that was passed down from EleMech, Inc. during the set up period.
We are proud of our station and even more proud that we are conserving potable water and at the same time increasing revenue for our city. Thank you EleMech, for helping us realize our goal."
Town of Louisburg,
North Carolina

"The Portalogic Septage Receiving Station has been a huge benefit to the Town of Louisburg in many ways. It has really helped us keep our haulers in line and weeded out the gallon cheating that was going on before the receiving station was installed. The software has really helped with my billing, with discharge activity that some of my haulers have requested and more. As far as the revenue, well let’s just say that most months we take in 3 times the revenue we did in the past and on a bad month we take in 2.5 times the past revenue."
Livingston County,

"Portalogic eliminates accounts receivable headaches due to the prepay feature, onsite labor is substantially reduced with the card reader pass system and more firms are electing to use our facility for all their loads after finding that metered loads allow per gallon rather than whole truck charges for partial loads.
We cannot say enough about the superior attention to detail and service that EleMech has provided. They convince their clients with courtesy and tenacity that they will make the system work regardless of the problem. We wholly endorse this product for its own worth but especially for the exceptional service benefit."
City of Anchorage,
"The Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility has two septage facilities. Prior to our conversion to the EleMech Portalogic system, we only had a gate access system with no backup capabilities and no record of what was dumped at each of the septage facilities. That all changed about six months ago when we installed the Portalogic system. We can now tell when a septic hauler opens the gate and uses the Portalogic system. It takes samples of the septage dumped and tells how much septage was dumped. This dual control of gate access along with Portalogic access gives us a backup and quality control check that each system is working as designed. We can also program when we want to take septage samples without having to be on site waiting for a septic hauler to show. One of the best features is that we now have the capability to obtain volumetric data, something we have NEVER had in the past. This volumetric data is being compiled in our database and after several calibration verifications, we will begin charging the septic haulers by the amount of volume discharged. This was only a dream a few years ago, but EleMech has made this a reality for us.
The best part about EleMech, Inc. is their excellent and superb customer service. During installation, post installation, training, daily usage — EleMech has always been there for us. The system is easy to use; we trained all of our septic haulers and all of our Customer Service representatives in less than a day.
The Portalogic system is reliable and provides us with information we never had before. Couple great customer service with an excellent product and you have a superb system that many others will want to use and enjoy its benefits. We are proud to be using the Portalogic system and I am sure others would benefit as much as us for those who are looking for a system of this type."
Johnson County,

"We are very pleased with the two EleMech Hauler Stations we recently purchased, and can't say enough about the versatile yet simple Portalogic software which is the backbone of the system. The operators are happy, the technicians are elated, and most of all, our billing department is raving about how the billing process for them has become so much easier and less time consuming. The complete process of ordering, installation, customer service, and custom needs provided by EleMech has been an experience that has not been matched by other vendors that I can recall in recent years.
I can't stress enough how we feel our decision to buy EleMech was the best choice we could have made. Not to mention, we really like 'Made in the USA' — thanks to everybody at EleMech."